Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Where to Make New Friend? Birthday Party!

Ryan's Downward Spyral: My life, Inspired by Justin: "JE and me are really good friends now too, especially since henry is never home we've had a chance to kind of 'bond', for lack of a better word. Llol, it actually happened as a result of henry inviting justin to his birthday party and I wasnt too excited about that at the time, but it actually ended up (at least for me) making us fast friends as well. Hes pretty cool, and reminds me soooo much of myself... same mentality about a lot of things and similar mood swings and such."

Here was a successful party from a guest's point of view. Two guests meet and suddenly a friend of a best friend becomes a good new friend. Um, that sounds confusing, but I don't know how else to say it. Making a new friend, though? That's special.

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