Friday, October 21, 2005

This Birthday Is In The Bags

Hot Momma Drama: Time for a birthday story...---Hot Celebrity Gossip Served Up Nice and Fresh: " So many of you know last week was my birthday. It's really no big deal..I'm not one of those people who announces to everyone I see on that day that , ''s my birthday.' In fact, I had lunch on my birthday with my friend Julie..and she had NO idea it was my birthday. Granted she felt like a big dork when she found out 3 days later..but oh well. Anyway..the point is I got some sweet CASH-ola for my b-day. Which is the best present you can get..( I dont' care what anyone is!) So tonight I decided to go out and spend it."

This blog just goes to show that a frugal gal can go right off the deep end for her birthday!