Sunday, August 28, 2005

Chocolate Stout Birthday Cake Recipe and Renaissance Faire!

dolphmusic: the birthday cake recipe - oh MY.: "the birthday cake recipe - oh MY.
Here it is. We did it with just powdered sugar on top instead of the ganache, just because we were running short on time. But still -- oh MY.

The birthday was otherwise excellent as well -- about a dozen of us made our way to the Bristol Renaissance Faire. Besides the roast turkey leg and all the lovely beer (no more expensive than at most Chicago bars, by the way), the highlights of the day were:

1. 'The Royal Falconer' -- A falconer, yes, with falcons. And with a pronounced New Jersey accent. Every time there was some pronouncement or other about 'Please remembuh dat dese byoo-tee-ful creatures...', we all just about broke out into uproar. The only thing holding me back was the suspicion that these falcons might have mob ties.

2. 'Christophe The Insulter' -- A vulgar olde tyme! He apparently makes the rounds nationally to ren-faires far and wide, insulting for money. The more you contribute to having someone insulted, the better it is. We put in $60 to have our friend Dan roasted, and that was sure roasty all right."

As if an astounding cake for any chocoholic isn't enough, this fellow celebrated his birthday at the Bristol Renaissance Faire.

Seems to me a person who makes and eats chocolate stout cake would need to lie down. And eventually, he did, but only after the faire. Sturdy fellow!

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