Tuesday, August 09, 2005

17th Birthday Pilot!

Student earns wings on 17th birthday: South Florida Sun-Sentinel: "Student earns wings on 17th birthday

By Sallie James
Staff Writer
Posted August 7 2005

POMPANO BEACH · Jake Rothstein may not be old enough to vote, but he can fire up a single-engine plane and fly off into the wild blue yonder.

On Saturday, he made three big strides: He turned 17, earned his private pilot's license and took his jittery mother for a ride."

Way to celebrate! Maybe he got cake and kisses, too, but you know the highest high was the flight! Woo-hoo!

17th Birthday With 17 Girls!

everyone!!!!!!! photo - *Jenn* photos at pbase.com

Here are a whole bunch of girls who seem determined to crush the birthday girl. See her? The one in the middle, all pretty and smiling? Oh, wait. They're ALL pretty and smiling.

There are TONS of pictures. Go look. Enjoy. They sure did!